Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, September 12, 2005


i've been thinking this thought for the month of september, and its about time i act upon it. I've had my blog now for just over a year, and though it has recorded alot of my personal thoughts, its just full of garabage. Another fact is that my friends circle has gotten smaller for blog users, while my LJ circle as gotten larger and stronger.

so heres the deal, im switching from Blog to live journal. Charles you won our little race. thought a 2 weeks ago it had really lost all matter to me. those still interested in reading up on my life can just go to:

now get out!!!


Blogger FunnyGe-off said...

take your little prize, to your little world, and see how important it truely is >:o

When did DATA become so im important?? (you need not apply to this data comment, im FAR too aware of what smack down's can be dealt to me.)

i still have an other journal that you can comment on little buddy


1:53 PM  

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