Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the next week

hmmm where to begin
im turning into a slob. really everything is just happening so fast pace right now, seeing that all the friends ive made this summer are heading back to school for the fall, its the last 2 weeks before everyone one is gone.
that said, i like to party party. thrusday i left velvet early because my tummy wasnt feeling too good, i had a giant coke and a slice of pizza...and 1/4 bottle of pedtno dismo(sp?, i dont even now how its said)
friday was a mike celebration. pre-drink at his pad, getting to know the folks, before heading to velvet too, so his nextdoor neighbor could wear a corcet, and show off her titanic boobs, kid you not one is larger then me head, and i made out with her. moral of that nite- weird shit will happen if everyone gets drunk. we headed back to mike bachlor pad afterwards, i got thristy and left to buy a coke, and ended up at shauns house to talk instead of heading back. what happens, is basically an orgy. Mike tells me that he can remember what happened but people crashed and left early from his appartment, and when he woke he found 3 used condoms littered around his appartment. GAWD damn it, being involved in orgys make the best storys.

ive had to badger the resource manager at CIBC to get things done, everything is done now, im working now til end of january....YIPPIE, thats what i wanted...though i didnt get involved in the extension, i wasnt able to cox more money out. Now i need to contact my Temp agency rep, to see what i got.

i like to nero nero....i like to nero nero, this was like 4 years ago


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