Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Friday, August 26, 2005

i have oldman ears

jesus i just realized that my ears are 40 years older then my going deaf, and they are fuzzy like my dads...
count down til the not going to pussy out of the YMCA this time, my gut needs to get off its vaction.
I think tonite will be one of my last big bangs for the summer, theres the chance that i'll have people over to my house to drink before clubing. meaning that i'll need to tidy up my pad a bit if folks are going to come over. im starting to loose the drinking spirit....clicked into my head especially on wednesday for mariko's last nite in town. she was only at the bar for 10mins before reggy pulled her away to his gay club, and i stayed at the bar drinking for some reason. i didnt go to velvet last nite for that reason, plus the fact that i was ill from lack of sleep.

Chris want to have a good time with me tonite please.

the bright words of the late Freddy Mercury are now in my head

so you think you can stop me and spit im my eye
so you think you can love me and leave me to die
no baby, cant you listen to me baby
just got to get out, just got to get right out of here.

nothing really matters, and one can see
nothing really matters, nothing really matters
to me


Blogger FunnyGe-off said...

ive been tempted to just cheat.
you know get a new counter, start it off in the 700 range...but where is the sport s-manship in that?

7:58 AM  

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