Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

cut and paste so i dont get busted at work..too late

- the position I’m in at work sucks ass, its something I don’t understand so it feels like im drowning. And now they are talking about firing me, unless I pick up on my work quicker. But I don’t have access to one of the MAJOR programs, and haven’t for a week and a half. So I fucked if I don’t have access by the end of the day. How can I be expected to do my job, if its covered with roadblocks…. I want to wait this job out because it is fine dandy, and a great opportunity (update-the person they have left responsible for my access problem is unavailable today so far…MOTHER FUCKER!)
-piss off, my phone is busted again. Lets see what should I do, I could cough up the $70 to get a 3 year warranty ..or pay $200 and just get a new phone
-my house is a mess, im going skip going to the gym today to clean up…not in the mood to get sweaty infront of strangers today. In a sulk, and want to clean.

-maybe I should just fall. I’ve stood to long on my own. Humans are beast that won’t help out. Maybe I should just fall.

- nero was a blast. Rumor is that neil will be doing plot, if so great. He was a great monster marshal all weekend, and fun. Plus I got a new magic sword…. This would be the first magic item that ive gotten as town treasure… wow im lame!!


Blogger FunnyGe-off said...

you like that name? i thought it was cute, fitting for a child of mine. i'll start throwing some coins in the training jar for her, i'll try and locate a teacher for her that could live up to my standards

1:14 PM  

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