Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Friday, August 12, 2005

its offical

im going deaf. theres no way there are soo many people that just mummble in this world, its all my fault now i cant hear correctly. im going to be the guy that people walk up to on the street to ask for directions, and my reply is going to be "ICE? why would want to buy ICE?"
its insane, it all went down hill since grade 12 with my hearing, i go a MASSIVE ear infection where i had to have my ears flushed out everyday for 3 days, i had the strongest from of ear drops given to me, like they kept them in a vault locked in a hospital, everytime i clear out my ears, it looked like a fist full of eraser shavings. even my doctor was like WOO-momma went he took a look in to my ear with his scopie-majig. and at some points i was totally deaf
what happened was my ear drum which should be a pearly white is more of a smoky grey.

would anyone be interested in joining me someday to get our ears waxed funneled? im very interested in doing this, im just really scared to go alone.

im other news. I've done NO work this week! i wish i could say i did something but it not true. REALLY annoying just sitting at my desk doing nothing, i'm running out of things do search for on the internet. i dont even touch my computer at home now. the high-light yesterday was taken a hugh food order....feed 20 people, 32 entries, $350 dollars. and i was excited when i was asked to do it. YES YES, PLEASE PLEASE, verge of wetting myself. i dont care now that everyone around can see me surfing the web, posting on forums, doing blog entries, reading web comics. they can also see that my project team is gone, and busy this whole week, so i havent been assigned work. In about 30mins i have an "interview" for the TLM team. proberly going to ask why i still want to work on OTIS (operation technology instalation software.), because i was didnt care in the beginning about having a full time job here.
what such i say, i've come to enjoy it, which is a croc. I like the money, and i like the fact its a comfortible job. i want to stay on, so i keep a job, not go to work in a crap area, and i will try and weasel more dough. THATS the TRUE!...and it will only be til march, thats the drift that going around.


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