Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, August 08, 2005

another good weekend

pretty steller weekend, did some drinking, said away from the drugs for a period.... want to flush my body out of all the toxins. (though i still drink, so i dont know what im saying)... hmm did some macking with some girls friday, very good. though didnt get much sleep, and Meg-gos woke me for talks and snugglings and perked my sushi interest.

saturday had me heading out to pickering for the jack and jill, i was actually quite fun. i left though with dave, scott, and Mel my brothers gf, for DarkRave. my brother would of come, but he drank too much at the jack and jill. in retro-spec i would of rathered to stay in pickering that night, then good to darkRave, my mind was really tired, i didnt get the amount of rest i require for a weekend, and now monday morning i still feel lacking.

sunday was more of a quiet day for me, as my choosing. i met Christie for a movie around 2 and we saw wedding crashers, which was still funny to me the second time around. then we walked around and met up with Mike and Anna in kensington market for drinks. i just had 2 hugh dr.peppers from the movie theater, so i was only in the mood for water.

as the week stands im quasi-booked
monday is QAF
Tuesday-kitty said that she's free and would be interested in doin something
wednesday- is serena's b-day bash. shes has true blue friend running thru her veins
thrusday- i dont know yet...theres nothing planned for the evening but i said i would try for velvet in the night
Friday, saturday- NERO NERO NERO... be back for sunday afternoon, if people want to meet up, but my body will be a little beatup. i have a bruise on my leg that is just fading now.


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