Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, September 12, 2005


i've been thinking this thought for the month of september, and its about time i act upon it. I've had my blog now for just over a year, and though it has recorded alot of my personal thoughts, its just full of garabage. Another fact is that my friends circle has gotten smaller for blog users, while my LJ circle as gotten larger and stronger.

so heres the deal, im switching from Blog to live journal. Charles you won our little race. thought a 2 weeks ago it had really lost all matter to me. those still interested in reading up on my life can just go to:

now get out!!!

Friday, September 09, 2005

been a while

summer is over, and the time i had was a blast. wish i could of stayed having fun for a bit longer, because now im depressed as everything has vanished. if anyone has been wondering where ive been for the last 2 weeks, ive been putting around my apartment with the odd weekend that i went to nero, which was a blast. but thats not the point.

can i explain why ive been feeling like poo. I CAN TRY. we'll im number one concern is to survive on my own, and im pig headed as i want to do it alone without anyones aid. now long time readers may know of my student debt, that ive been paying off slowly. well last week i was pulled aside TWICE and told to improve at my job, or "My Contact will be Broken". one person was my department supervisior, who i dazzled with words and convinced him that i was just having a rough start. SECOND was the department lead, who ive never spoke to, and just asked me into a meeting room, and flat out said, i looks like your wasting time, shareholders see you surfing the web, improve or youre gone. (may i mention that this is during my training period, where no one is training me, and i dont have access to ANYTHING! if your locked out of something its difficult to work! CUNT!)....well ive been busy this week, i shown the department i have a basic understanding of every mircosoft program.... including powerpoint, which ive never used.

i like nero now, the plot team has finally settled into a comfortible story position, that was bumpy at the beginning of the season. the attendance was the same as the celestial solistis (sp?), which is good, we've gotten people hooked. im becoming more knightly, and i had a little in-game drama too, which was sweet. there was some out of game drama, but it was withdrawn, after both sides were heard.

next couple of days, im alone in my apartment... ive cleaned my roommates room in the process, and im going to try and finish the rest of the house tonite and tomorrow. its kinda dull, because he took his computer with him so i have to hook the internet up to my computer.

im going to try and visit people. i have the desparate need to fall asleep in someones arms this weekend.

signing out
the lonely king

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

cut and paste so i dont get busted at work..too late

- the position I’m in at work sucks ass, its something I don’t understand so it feels like im drowning. And now they are talking about firing me, unless I pick up on my work quicker. But I don’t have access to one of the MAJOR programs, and haven’t for a week and a half. So I fucked if I don’t have access by the end of the day. How can I be expected to do my job, if its covered with roadblocks…. I want to wait this job out because it is fine dandy, and a great opportunity (update-the person they have left responsible for my access problem is unavailable today so far…MOTHER FUCKER!)
-piss off, my phone is busted again. Lets see what should I do, I could cough up the $70 to get a 3 year warranty ..or pay $200 and just get a new phone
-my house is a mess, im going skip going to the gym today to clean up…not in the mood to get sweaty infront of strangers today. In a sulk, and want to clean.

-maybe I should just fall. I’ve stood to long on my own. Humans are beast that won’t help out. Maybe I should just fall.

- nero was a blast. Rumor is that neil will be doing plot, if so great. He was a great monster marshal all weekend, and fun. Plus I got a new magic sword…. This would be the first magic item that ive gotten as town treasure… wow im lame!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Today i am an adult

so i have finished living out my young adult years. learned to be social, finish school ( or least got some cavemanIQ level duploma), moved out, got laid, found a job. not alot left, except some major things, but they can be spread out over the next 50 years.

well im grown up alot too in the last couple of months too...i become a different person, im more aware of what i will be limited to in the world. and that actually my only limits are myself. only thing that holds Geoff Gaudet back is Geoff Gaudet.

anyways peace large entry today.

Someone call for a Kangaroo?!

Friday, August 26, 2005

i have oldman ears

jesus i just realized that my ears are 40 years older then my going deaf, and they are fuzzy like my dads...
count down til the not going to pussy out of the YMCA this time, my gut needs to get off its vaction.
I think tonite will be one of my last big bangs for the summer, theres the chance that i'll have people over to my house to drink before clubing. meaning that i'll need to tidy up my pad a bit if folks are going to come over. im starting to loose the drinking spirit....clicked into my head especially on wednesday for mariko's last nite in town. she was only at the bar for 10mins before reggy pulled her away to his gay club, and i stayed at the bar drinking for some reason. i didnt go to velvet last nite for that reason, plus the fact that i was ill from lack of sleep.

Chris want to have a good time with me tonite please.

the bright words of the late Freddy Mercury are now in my head

so you think you can stop me and spit im my eye
so you think you can love me and leave me to die
no baby, cant you listen to me baby
just got to get out, just got to get right out of here.

nothing really matters, and one can see
nothing really matters, nothing really matters
to me

Thursday, August 25, 2005

not at a happy point

so i have a contract extension, i didnt really want it, but i veiw it as no other better place to go. a week before my old one ends and my new one begins ive decided that this is not where i want to be working at a desk.

of the jobs i have had, the 2 that ive liked the most have blockbuster and Second city have been the best. maybe in January, when my new contract expires i will go it to a rogers or blockbuster and try to be hired on as a manager there. Do something i like, but also have a salary!!! thru all my experiences ive learned that shift work is for bitches

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the next week

hmmm where to begin
im turning into a slob. really everything is just happening so fast pace right now, seeing that all the friends ive made this summer are heading back to school for the fall, its the last 2 weeks before everyone one is gone.
that said, i like to party party. thrusday i left velvet early because my tummy wasnt feeling too good, i had a giant coke and a slice of pizza...and 1/4 bottle of pedtno dismo(sp?, i dont even now how its said)
friday was a mike celebration. pre-drink at his pad, getting to know the folks, before heading to velvet too, so his nextdoor neighbor could wear a corcet, and show off her titanic boobs, kid you not one is larger then me head, and i made out with her. moral of that nite- weird shit will happen if everyone gets drunk. we headed back to mike bachlor pad afterwards, i got thristy and left to buy a coke, and ended up at shauns house to talk instead of heading back. what happens, is basically an orgy. Mike tells me that he can remember what happened but people crashed and left early from his appartment, and when he woke he found 3 used condoms littered around his appartment. GAWD damn it, being involved in orgys make the best storys.

ive had to badger the resource manager at CIBC to get things done, everything is done now, im working now til end of january....YIPPIE, thats what i wanted...though i didnt get involved in the extension, i wasnt able to cox more money out. Now i need to contact my Temp agency rep, to see what i got.

i like to nero nero....i like to nero nero, this was like 4 years ago