Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

good weekend

i had a good weekend.
so i tried out the shrooms that my sister gave me on friday nite, as i went to go see charle and the chocolate factory on them. Movie was good, I especially enjoyed johnny deeps spin on willy wonka. the umpa-lumpas werent like the ones in the orginal, but i went in with that knowledge, they werent all that bad, but the new songs in the movie lacked the moral lessons the orginal songs had. all in all good. later that night, i joined up with Shaun and Mike and went to Lee's palace. there were 2 things goin on there. dance cave, which is like a college dance party, though the view was hot, the music is shit as they were playing james brown and 40 junk, it kept shifting so i couldnt get in any mood. the other thing happening at Lee's was Vasoline, which is at the end of every month, its a gay dance party. this was kinda the opposite of what was upstairs, the music was wicked, as there was a live band from san fansico called gravey-train, and they had a le tigra feel to them. PLUS the singer oozed sex! but the view was rotten, as least 5 flabby gay men, walked around without pants or underwear.

Saturday was wicked as i headed to Pickering to hang out with dave may and scotty dont know (scott mayer). I took my buddy eric along, because he was looking for a good time, which i can proved sometimes. so we showed up at daves around 3, and scott was already there. the first hour was spent trying to get better "E", as the stuff scott got had a rating of zero on a drug rating website. next week played boardgames til the rest of the party showed up, drank beers, laughed, BBQed. fun times. I was like me and eric chilling with my brothers crowd that hes know since highschool( so that like almost 15 years.) I hit it off with them, guess they forgot that i was tony's little brother that they picked on as a child. so around 930, we all jumped in cabs and headed to Oshawa to VnV night at a club called the dungeon. place was a dive, and not packed at all, But i did find my old friend Erica, who i went to highschool with. i was on some E that my brother gave me, and was chit chatty to all my friends, and dancy too(somemuch that as i was coming down from the E my whole body cramped into a pretzal.) the weird highlight of saturday nite was running into a girl named Colleen Redamacky. I may have known her in the passed during Pine Ridge days, but i meet her again saturday night. first off let me lay down some of the details, Colleen is the world champion for highland dancing, and she already knew more about me before i even meet her. Her coach Joy Tolev is Steph tolevs mother. Steph Tolev is a girl i went to skool with, and dated for a month. Joy tolev liked me, and went to Colleen for advice on her oldest daughter dating me. and because Joy liked me, i already had a good rep when i meet Colleen. the pinnical was the moment that Colleen said these words " OH Fuck! youre that Geoff! i know already about you! i cant believe im meeting you" boot Colleen is a hugh cutey patootey

all and all great. this summer is shaping up to be fanastic.

~dont read if you believe in a little thing called love~

i want to voice this thought, love is a strong emotion. and i have 2 friends that i look at, and see that they are jumping to quick too commit themselves to these words. this is a personal opinion, as i will never hush to feel that emotion, as it comes back to burn me later, and has left my heart and passion scarred. but i know that it cant be rushed as every person is unquie and paces their emotions to another differently. im a bit messed up emotional from being cock tease my whole adult life, but heres i view love. to me, love is emotion that you have for some that is able to change your life for the better. (because i follow this frame of thinking, i fall in love with girls a period of time after i meet them, even after they are out of the picture, because they have improved me.) NOW hate for someone is a way someone changes the person you are for the worse. these are the girls ive dated, who have made me feel ugly under my skin, and vile to the world. i look at myself everyday, and ask if i need to be in love, and i dont. right now all i need to do is live everyday to day and be happy. not force some label on myself that connects the way im feeling to someone. because that would be granting someone power to hurt me, and like my basic sub-text, it takes time to be granted that great responsibility. (wooow. this has just become deep to me. )


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