Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Geoff's charles Angels

the cute one- Christie (your cameron Diaz)
the brainy one- Meagan (your played by lucy lue)
the wild one- Lauryn (your played by Drew barrymore)

the girls that make me smile, and i miss everyone of you everyday. I DO.

in work new, i have a month left on my contract, but i've been talking to my group, and they are all aboard for me having a contract extention. they are even looking for things for me to do so i can keep my job. if that isnt wicked, i dont know what?
as lame as it is me going to bed before 1230, ive started to get the hang of the 8-4 groove of working 5 days a week. plus a good paycheaque is sweet too... if things continue the way they are, and i DO keep my job, i should be able to put monies aside for headshots and hook up an agent for winter...HOW SWEET WOULD THAT BE? answer: sweet

i think when i do become a knight, my herldry is going to be a manitcore ready to pounce. ive drawn it a couple times while wasting time at work. looks cool, just need to work on the lion head little more, heads a tad large...but looks sexy. and i'll have my colors be black and brown.

next couple of months are going to be sweet for my larping life i feel.

you may have read in past post that Cody and I were going to go to the YMCA. well that feel thru because of me, and cody's lack of ability to motivate me. so what hes going to try is to get a BO-FLex... I may still go to the gym in my own time, fit and tone my body down. i dont want to be bulky muscly, more of a lean. In the office is can tell who goes to the gym and how doesnt. some of the guys i look at and wonder why? all the gym has done for them is make them thicker. the put on all this muscle drinking shakes and lifting iron, but none of it is defined so the just keep the same appearance, but alot broader, like their torso is a air conditioner with arms and legs. i assume that it comes from eating junk, going to the gym for 3 months, fallen off the gym wagon, eating junk, going back to the gym for 3 months... that they just keep pileng on muscle on top of muscle, i'd rather be my weak self then do that to me.

last, im liking sushi now, and crave miso soup....yum yum yum
(who wants to see willy wonka with me on friday..leave a comment)


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