Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


my health is a wee bit better. my body isnt vilolently lashing out at me any more. it seems that my nose bleeds have stopped, guess all i needed was to work the alcohol out of my system, and stay frosty. Cody's birthday bash was alright, last moment people backed out, and no one was up for being the replacements soo short of notice. was actually wicked, Uber Hot Hotties, free alcohol, decent club. but the place was packed to the walls with ginos of all ages, and i couldnt breath, so i bolted when i realized that the party was going to go on for a while and i still had a bit of the sickness in me.
I'm really looking forward to DION even more, so much that i've gone and created a livejournal account just to post replies on the temp page. this weekend is the testing of the magic system, with next month Adrian is holding a mod day to test the rules to that point, and seeing whats weak or overpowering. Adrian is actually great at creating and designing the frame work of game rules, and its got me all antsy to see this come together.
tomorrow is the VNV nation concert, yippie! they are one of the bands i really like. I take my hat off to Dave May for introducing me to the genre


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