Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

CIBC V 1.3

the secert to being a Task manager, is to sit around and listen for a job you can do that, is simple, and take control of it. then with that job, add a couple bells and make it appear like its tough..though its not.

i guess i've slipped a tad today...i sent out a document, with some missing data, and instead of taking responsiblity for it, i said that someone else made the mistake, which i was shown it was mine. then i sent out a file, and forgot to close and hide some of the steps i took to generate the report. oh well.

female gymnist are small and tiny, i want to marry one.
im going to talk to Christie tonite, hopefully at velvet, and speak about the sketch troup we are going to form. Hopefully we can get together on saturday, and write.

Goal for the weekend: honk some May 2-4 boobies!


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