Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, May 09, 2005

nero was fun

nero this past weekend was fun. really nothing happened for me, then i learned more of what it takes to be a squire. and that is to be a servent to your knight, and once you have learned the proper behaviour. then you can become a knight. this seems backwards thinking, but people are starting to take an eye to me acting proper. its difficult for me to stay put, because of my skill choices, that i need to run off to be best useful. i have a feeling that soo i may be requesting a spirit forge to be more front combative. heres some build.

120 - +6 prof
45- 3 slays=165
90- +12 backstab=255
30- 3 dodge=285
sword & 2 weapons-15=300
resist poison4-16=325

..or i can drop readmagic, a slay, and resist poison and have alchemy 7 or 8
i would like to see if i can get arcane armor 20, if so i would buy the 8 wear extra armor.

right now my skill set is simple
3 in the front, 33 from behind w/ 7 dodges.

.. as a sidenote, its difficult to do my own thing when i need to be beside Isobel all the time. thats what i noticed this week, but that may have been because the plot team was focused on laying down the plot for the area, PLUS the fact that Cody bailed on them for plot a day before the event


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