Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Friday, May 20, 2005

dull day to an exciting start

my day started off wicked for a 8oclock waking, after heading to bed at 3am drunk. i went to a PMO meeting at 22 front, we all sat around in a circle and spoke about what we had planned for May 2-4 weekend, then we all had cake, How sweet is that?!! next at sat at someones desk for 2hours, to then go to another meeting. this one with Pizza! this was for the summer clerks, and may i note, every girl that works for CIBC for the summer, like myself is Ab-SO FUCKING-LUTY hot! shame, that they are at a different building then me(they 22 front st. me 20 dundas) but not for much longer, their departments are moving in to the AOB(term they throw around their, i call it by its address) yippie, sweet sweet girls soon, and my age. I got the talking a bunch about myself when i was put on the spot for being a comedian working in a bank.
i get this vibe that if i asked i would actually get a Full-time job here, but im indecesive even if i want that still. still have some dreams i want to live.

...but now it's all sluggish, i've spent the last hour doing nothing, surfing the web. posting this, going to have hot chocolate. theres this big assignment for me to do, but i dont know what it is, and i could take the steps and start it with out notification, but the data they tell me about isnt there. its also fustrating that they dont actually teach me what to do. they give me what they want it see in a project, then i suppose to create it. how about some knowledge? i dont know what im doing, im good at mimicing the steps that were shown to me, i dont actual figure anything out.

think im going to go home this is pointless


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