Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, June 06, 2005

weekend=my body is weak

so this was Cody's party weekend, and i spent like little of it with my DAWG!!
friday nite i assumed that he was working til like midnite, and then was just going to get tanked at his work, so i went and made plans to chill once again with Shaun Cameron.
(Cody didnt have to work late, instead ending up going to velvet, and sticknStirred a asian girl { but the way hes ready to go to Japan, because he can tell the difference between, chinese, korean, japanese, and thai})
so friday i ended up at a lesbian bar called Tango and crews. this i actually a bar i could have a blast in, minus the drag queens stage show of them dancing on a runway to rockyhorror, right by the door. once you get past that its very hooping. Lesbian R hot!!! and sometime a boy needs to told hes pretty by a bulldyke
saturday night kicked off wicked, dinner for cody's B'day with his folks and friends was amazing. STEAK- A+, smoked salmon- B, Garlic Bread- A, Cake- A, Wine- A-, other Alcohol- A...over all experience, A!!!.. cody little bro kept trying to strip for Cody, so that lower the total grade because his belly dance was not on par with the food. sorry scotty you get a C- for effort. we came back to T.O, and everything was dead. Cody, Alex and sleeve head, just crashed at home, so i went out once again to a gay bar, ick, this time Buddies. im not for drunken Homo's, because i feel like a piece of meat around them. had 5 drinks there, to top of my 4 at the resturant and 3 glasses of wine, plus 1 pint at the pub that was dead.. i started to head home. on my way i saw this amazing girl that looked lost, well im 2 blocks north of my pad, maybe i can help her out, or least give her a place to rest her head(bend of my bed headboard) but my 2 gay friends instead, say NO geoff, and kidnap me away from heading home. there was some rum and cokes at shauns pad, and then time to crash. i tried and pass out on the couch in a cool area, but Shaun insitted that i sleep him his room from fear of his roommate rapping me. i curled into a cornor and had a horrible nights rest.
Sunday, tired, and over heated from my 4 hours sleep. i headed out to DION. got a massive nose bleed at broadview and gerrard from the heat and my body breaking down, i sat out the fighting test for the new LARP. this can be good, its has ALOT of potential, and ALOT of fanasty setting, with skills that are roleplay and strategy. plus religion. but im going to try something different i think and go healer. im not knocking nero, still love it, i'm the bar for total rogue.
sunday night i spent in, sunburn, heat exsulted, tired, sick from alcohol, least a 1/2 pint of blood missing from me, and desperately needing of a sitdown.
going to have a nap, tonite for Cody's Bday he got passes to the Molson Canadian, Rockstar show... this should be a great experience so i dont want to piss it away


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