Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

last 10 days

**i really dont want to have all my journal entries done at work, because this "work-time Geoff" is just one of the many roles i do play...**

CIBC RANT!- HOLY FUCK!, I like went i get real work, because i feel useful, and have something to occupy my time. but this is the 3 time that i've been loaned out to other departments, because they are behind, and are begging for help. you know what happens when i do help them, the ask for about 2-3 worth of aid, then i show up and do their task for a day or so, and they are done with me and i head back to my little desk for PMO. this department, CAM, stands for Client account management. its the software for setting up accounts. they ask for me for 3 days! i work the half that time so far, from 9am till 11am today, 2 hours...from 8 hours, and theres nothing left for me to do today, except sit and get my ass fat! FUCK!

other things in life

  • Cody made me sick, and i dont sleep much
  • I've started to hang out with Shaun Cameron again, and his flaming friends. hes got an interesting crew
  • i throw half my paycheque into my bank loan from skool
  • been partying alot, but coming home unfullied
  • writing some more standup, meeting new people and using my schick has helped me realize i am funny. it's actually been quite thrilling knowing that i am funny, and i dont question my humor like i did in skool, more just happens. i had another killer moment at yuks last tuesday. if i can create more of these, and then combine it together into a way for me to live on
  • i've hooked another fish from the sea, im starring at this one not to sure what to really do with it. i dont know what this girl is to me, and i just end up asking myself a bunch of questions....i really wish i was a slut. is it odd to feel offended when someone shoves their tounge down your throat? i dont know what it is with me, my dream would me to live have the simple relationship with a girl that looks like everyother girl, but i find myself giving up. i miss the times i spent with surten people. SIDE NOTE TO THIS- Michelle #1 is getting married!!! i havent spoken to her in 4 years now, but as old friends are resurfacing im being reminded of it, over and over and over
  • Saturday is Dinner for Cody's birthday, this is something i really look forward to, last time i did the Birthday thing with his family, it was AMAZING, i had delicious steak and fine wine, and was on this euphoria effect that i went dancing.
  • i think im driving a spike between me and one of my other best friends ever...ahhh, i dont want to. i think its really i psychoist of me, i've built up so much for myself, that i cant let it go, or even share. think im going to have a walk around TO, and hope your workin so i can give you a great big hug. i know that you love me sooo much, and i would be a FUCkTaRD to throw it away.


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