Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

the style of person i am

someone was giving a second hand impression of the type of person i was, and i thought it actually suited me so well. My friend Greg and my friend mike are dating eachother, both resently came out. in a way im the reason they meet, because Greg tagged along when i went to the Gay bar. anyways, i hardly knew Mike, and greg gave a description of what type of person i was, and here it is:
Geoff is the type of person that just sits in the cornor quiet, and watchs you till you show yourself to be cool, then he'll talk to you.

werid that i think of myself that way, but ive had a rocky past. and its hard for me to pro-active, without being sure.


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