Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Friday, June 10, 2005

VNV nation was on fire

my god, my god. Was the Concert ever Fucking great! I couldnt find a song that i could move to. wow, the beat were so amazing, everyone in the crowd was excited as me to hear them. My lord, the opening bands were good too, something to groove to while your searching out your friends, but VNV was what the audience was there for, and VnV is what the audience got. My body has just been tried the last two weeks, (strong, but just tired from lack of sleep, and partying)

i had a nice salmon steak before Dave May, Scott Mayer, and Steve Galbrite showed. then ordered a pizza, and started the drinking. (Cody we can really throw partys at our pad, your computer has speakers, my computer has speakers, our kitchen has speakers. everywhere is like its little own party.) drank, Dave and Scott bullied me into taking 1/2 an E with them, which worked, and gave me the engery i wanted. so i thank them. we took a cab, ran into my crowd of friends, and got in and drank somemore. man alive, are there ever hot girls that did VNV! the place was boiling from everyone getting down, it was MAGICAL! took a redbull because i was running down on engery just before VNV's first encore( a total of 3, could of been one seamless show, but it was hot and tiring i imagine on that stage, so they took some breaks.) after gettting my boogie fix for the nite, we headed to Velvet where it was still great to dance. stayed there til almost time to be booted out, 2:45. My body was shutting down, Alcohol was at a steady buzz, E faded, Red Bull gone, dance legs giving out. i really wanted to just get into my bed, so that i could get some rest before waking at 8 for work.

right now i dont regret all the partying ive done, and weakening my body. In fact i welcome it! im going to again club tonite, my friends for Humber-Rez are going to be in TO, Clitty&Di. see if i can go out with their female friends and have a blast. im going to try and avoid the alcohol tonite though, i'd like to wake tomorrow and not feel like trash.

i'm going to try and make this work day be as laid back as possible. ive done an hour of work alone, and i play the waiting/sitting game til more is thrown at me. i have to wait for emails at this point for people add figures somewhere or people needing help on easy time consuming tasks. going to take a long lunch today, dave and scott are chilling at my place, recooping from the nite. they are going to give me a call and we are going to do some lunch.


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