Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, November 08, 2004

standup again

tomorrow i am doing standup yet again...well not a yet, its been 8 months since i've last done standup.
so its tomorrow, November 9 at yuk yuks, 730 pm...this is late notice for everyone, ive know for a month about my set, but i didnt bother to inform you all, because im a horrible being, so EAT IT!!! its werid to do standup, i quit for a while because i kept bombing, and felt i need to give it up for a bit, then come back all refreshed. well how its 8 months and im worried. i want to jump back on the horse again, and i want to succeed.
whats bad is that i dont know what im going to do!!! im gathering all my notes ive taken since march, and trying to piece things together, i should be able to coast by because i have only been given 3 minutes for material. i should do well with my material, i think it comes from way outfiend, and makes the audience laugh.
my stand up teacher, Rob Trick, taught me at mime today. i coming alone with the walking on spot( kicking forward, and other moonwalk-ish). well i asked him for his advice to help make this set good. his words to me were to be more physical, dance around on stage, he sees this engery that i hold back at in class. his second timbit was to commit more to my material, which is my MAJOR performing problem, i have stage fright.... also the lights in the clubs are blinding like holy fire, that takes one comic off his game.
wish me luck, and hope some people can show tomorrow


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