Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

saturday night

im indestructable

i went to the bar last night with my buds and girls from "the R3". we went to piccadilles, great bar, even though they kicked me out for being drunk. so i went and meet up with my other bud, Tc as she was getting off work. so we were walking and i ran across queen street, and BOOM. i sliped on the street car rail, and my left leg got run over by a FUCKING CAB, and it kept going. lucky its just bruised at the ankle, caf, and my right butt cheek when i fell. right now im little bummed that i couldnt leave the bar with my friends at piccadilles, but there will be tons of fun to have another time.


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