Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

My last day as 23

woot woot, its my last day as 23...and im just wasting it. im at work....i have 5 15 minute meetings booked today, it was 7 but 2 people cancelled. i dont mind, most of the people here i cant interact with for long then the 15 minutes anyways. bunch of thought less dinks that cant talk about anything else the what theyve spent 5 years at college studying.
i would like to do something amazing tonite, but i dont have the initative to do it on my own, i wouldnt mind if someone just gobble me up and take me out. if not just sit at home and watch movies. anyone is welcome to come over, but we may need to snuggle. theres also the harbourfront movie of the wizard of Oz tonite. that could be good, but its soo bloody hot out, i would just take away from the movie.
im not REALLY depressed like i usually feel like right now, i have an amazing weekend to look forward to, i guess it can be that im just grumpy because i didnt sleep all that much the last 2 days. and my eyelids feel druppy.



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