Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

the girl beside me

so i've worked beside this girl katie (from Burlington) at the office for a month now. I'm nearly positive that she's taken. so i'll just dance around the subject of it, and gather info til im sure its true.
***i think that it is halarious that im actually doing this update at work right now with my back to her and she could just look over my shoulder and read what i am typing as i go, but without a sense of threat, this wouldnt be my journal.***

anywho, so she is cute, and has a great smile, blonde hair, blue eyes. dresses in summer clothes from old navy. she seems intellegent, but can be too sure. books smarts, is obvious, but street and life smarts are harder to scale. (street smarts are the smarts you have to be scary smarts, because its a type of smarts to rival someone elses smarts.)
she has a nice voice, weird, kinda cracks at some points, but all cute. its kinda like a character from a south park episode. the home schooling episode, with the brother and sister that win the spelling bee because they were home schooled, yah shes like the girl there. (anyone that can remember the episode, its pre-kissing stan and going slut.)

she actually has great hair which is a plus. bit of a hypocrit, because i dont do anything special with my hair. but katie does put effort into styling her hair, and early in the morning too, kutos to her, i havent even shaved in 1 1/2, boo.


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