Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

bit angry at myself

im angry at myself because i let myself get sick, and fell behind on my weekly pay process. i got wicked case of pink eye on thrusday, so i couldnt get my pay slip in before the deadline, so my pay for this week is going to be delayed. (this is a bitch, because 60% of last weeks is gone into rent, because ive been mis-spending my money) because i left early, i lost 4 hours there, which is $50... then on monday, i was still a little sick, and wanted to day a last day of rest so thats a full day lost..which is $!
all this means is that its going to be tight for me til my Bday, which is going to be rough too. Many i'm not in the mood for anything, except i want to go back to nero...I GOT A FORGE FINALLY!!! and i have what i want to do already set out in my mind. its annoying talking to Cody about build spending, because hes like ALCHEMY!!! GET SPELLS!! WHY DO YOU NEED TO SWING 10'S???...i need to swing 10's to kick your ass still dip shit. and i'll start branching off for spells after i have 4 resists...which is a level...or halloween

i dont know if i like this office work. they gave me a project about 3 weeks ago that i havent finished yet. i have a feeling that this will be the dead of me, i have to talk to these people about what they've learned, but they come across more important to me, so keep ignoring my emails til i send them personal ones. what i drag, i want to waitier or retail bad right now. anyone now any nifty places looking for management?


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