Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, July 11, 2005

an ounce of importance

when did i become important? gawd it is completely forgien to me, i had the point driven into me a thousand times during high skool that i didnt amount to shit. but now that i've moved on, and ive discovered my own idenity, people want to talk to me. what the shit? i dont know, this is just a random thought. im just writing this out because this is a pain i had to myself for a long time, and i didnt quite know if it would go away, and i got to say that it is slowly fading, and i have to say as well that its starting to feel great, this release.

another thought i had yesterday was that dont wear personal emotions well, especially happiness. im starting to feel it, and i know that everytime i do feel happy to the core, its just a ticking time bomb, a countdown til a shit explosion goes off. covering me in shit, and me shitting on everyone around me. (that was a omage' to trailer park boys, with a shit comment)

other note- so im going to start heading to the Y with cody, we should of started last week, but i was beat up as shit from nero, and then i started slacking. (slacking code for i wanted to visit people instead, plus cody had to work his jobbie job in the evening. so it lost priority.) we are going to try and register tonite after i get off work, but right now i could just go for a nap. ive started to drink diet cola instead of regular cola, plus i'll start my sit ups again. that should flatten out my stomach.

my phone is on the fritz again.. i got it to start charging alittle last week, but now its being a bitch. stupid bitch phone. so many nice fones out there and im stuck with a huck of junk with a sweet ringer. i'll send it next week and maybe it'll work

final note-im wonderful....UR2, girls who drink beer are the shizzle


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