Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, May 02, 2005

new work

hurray im done school, and ive come full fucking circle! doors that have opened for me, maybe none. i've only meet a bunch of funny people, who though i think are great and funny, dont care much about me. kinda sad, really depressing that i did gain much from my 2 years. confindence wise, i am alot stronger, im not afraid of much anymore.
what is stupid is the program is known for having tons of funny people, but its difficult to get out there and preform night after night, when you have teachers that pick and choose their favors; and all you have is your self motivation to get out there.
the fauculty at humber is a piece of shit, larry will talk to me( he'll be the only one i actually go back to humber to visit) Rob Trick, Huge faker, he just walks by me, to be the fool for other people. Linda Ellis, i dont know much about her, but the other day she looked right through me like i was invisible, and it was creepy. Dave Flarity, actually is a great coming to sit in on his classes again. i wanted to rant so much tonite, but im a little tired from being nervous at work today, and i have standup tomorrow. i hate the rhino, but cause i hate the facq that i need to pay to vent my rage. thats shit
Ge-crest out

ps. i painfully lonely resently. i hate having this need to be held, and having no one around to full fill it. its like being hungry and not being able to open my mouth.


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