Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

another style change

i dont have blue hair anymore. or faded grey blue hair. after class on monday, watching the sketch show from last week, i went over to humber rez. i sat in front of my friend sarah's toliet, and had her take her hair clippers to my head. its all gone now, right down to the roots is shaved. i have a brush cut with a blue rue, and it rocks. wrong season though to have this haircut, the windchill is a bitch... mind is alittle out of it, i went to my friend liz's staff christmas party. it was alright, what made it great was the fact they kept loading everyone up with free alcohol...i had 7 corona's 2 canadians, and 3 rum and cokes. good fun, came home and then smoked with the roommates


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