Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

sketch show -2?

okay so it like 4 days our comedy sketch show (sunday December 5, at lakeshore campus, auditourm)..and boy can some of the second years bitch. some of the sketches you guys wrote are shit, and dont get jumpy when laura and frank ask you to rewrite them to shorten them or go back the scene a different way. you are writing for them, and acting for them, because you are being graded by them.
the show is run by the program, so unfortunely the teachers of the program get the final say of what stays and what goes. DEAL WITH IT!!
i lost so much respect you some of you in that class room today. you cant deal with the critism of something you produced, being shit, and you guys making plans to boycott and sabatoge the show. BITCH listen to yourself. complaining about how our show is going to be a highschool production, and youre acting like you in the 2nd grade.

im better then you complainers


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