Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

working out

the last 2 weeks ive started to work out at home. i went to walmart and bought a yoga ball to do a bunch of basic workouts on( mostly cruches and situps). i also bought some 20lbs weights to use for my arms. i feel like im getting stronger, when i bought the weights, they were hard to use, but now are getting simple to do. my hopes is that i become lean, and get a six pack with cut man hip by new years...and i have a far way to go. i do feel better about my body, and there has been some improvement. i would go alot quicker if i wasnt such a coke cola fiend.
the down side is that im lazy still with the food shopping, and my metabolism is speed up, so im hungry all the time and i sit in a house with no food. guess i should shop today, ive been putting off for 3 days now


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