Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Monday, September 20, 2004

lost in a mansion

hey who thought it would be cool live in a mansion? i did, till i was stuck in my buddy's.

it was a wild, and tiring weekend at nero. afterwards me and my buddy Cody got dropped off at his parents house, so he could pick up the clean cloths their maid cleaned. the minute we got there at like 4 pm, he passed out, leaving me to entertain myself in the house. i would of been cool except that his whole family was there, and we in like every room doing something. so there was nothing for me to do. i sat quiet in the living room for like an hour. his mom then woke Cody up to stop druling on the couch, and he went down stairs to sleep in his bed. man i felt like a ghost walking around that house, trying not to be seen..... it sucked. i had no way of getting home, and no cash to pay for a $30 cab ride

but nero rocked. if anyone out there has played dungeon and dragons before. i got a +1 long sword this event, and i was i was the only one to attack a demi-lich


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