Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

my first posting

Dear Web-geeks

i write this to announce that i am joining your fold. for over a year now i have sat infront of my computer, reading about in all of your journals, how soo and soo doesnt notice you, how youre happy but wish you could be happier, or people just sharing their good fortune ( those are the ones i enjoy the most).
i first started this account to just post on other peoples journal comment. post funny comments to see if they read what everyone else has to say, and to reply back to me, calling me "A dorK". occasional i was going to just post these short funny quotes, maybe something retarded that me or someone else said.
my decidion to start writing a web journal came from a series of events that have happened to me week, losing a job, getting wasted, getting a new job, finding out someone feelings, letting my feelings slip,partying and dancing with tons of friends, and finally having a screwed up day. all these facts have helped me create a journal voice, to let everyone into "GE-off's world" a little bit more.

sorry if my spelling and grammer are horrid, im doing my best


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