Request for:Reverse Cowgirl samples

im an always single fellow, studying comedy in toronto.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I start yet another job

this summer ive gone through TOTALLY 5 JOBS!!!! heres the run down
- swiss chalet~ waiter
-custom maids~ maid or cleaning butler
-Demetres~ kitchen staff crepe spinner
-Amatos~ cashier
...and now i work at - Second City theater~usher/drinkrunner

i dont know what the hell kept happening. ive had the swiss chalet job since January, but it was only parttime(8 hours). i quit swiss chalet when i got the Demetres job, because they were offering me more hours and conflicted with what i was working at swiss chalet. so the day after i finish my last 2 week at swiss chalet, BOOM, they fired me from Demetres( first job ive ever been fired from)
...the reason i was fired for Demetres? they told me that things werent working out, that they hired someone else that picked up the work quicker then me. now i only worked at Demetres for 2 weeks, first week i actually was working and training for what i was hired for, but my boss was also on vaction, so he didnt even see me working in the kitchen. the second week that i worked at Demetres, my boss came back, but they put me in dishwashing, because the regular dishwasher was in an my boss didnt actually see me working the job he hired me for, but yet he can tell me i wasnt learning my job quick enough? i think it was because i wasnt Greek.....what they did was hire alot of their greek cousins as waiters, demote the waiters to kitchen staff, and fire my white ass from kitchen.

custom maids, well i stoped calling them for work, because they stoped giving my houses to clean... so we parted ways
Amatos pizza, i was hired on the spot seeing that i could speak english. unfortunelty the boss could not speak english, and the day that i went in for training, the manager there didnt show up. so i sat there waiting, cutting pizza for 2 hours. after the first hour i did can the manager on his cell, but he couldnt understand the fact that i was sitting in his resturant waiting for him. he said something along the lines of " I around cornor, i come soon" waited an hour for him to go around this cornor, before i broke and said FUCK THIS NOISE!!! .....hopefully he can remember my face, because he owes me a fucking pizza!!

...well im now working at second city, ive actually wanted to work there since i moved to Toronto, like every 6 months i would just hand in a resume, and cross my fingers. what i didnt do all those times in the past was actually tell them that i wanted to work in the theater as a waiter, and not any of the other jobs there like box office, preformer, or italian waiter....once i handed in this resume saying that i wanted to be a simple usher/drinkrunner, i was called back 3 hours later, then i NAILED the interview. boom......this is going to be sooooo much fun, hope i dont blow it


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